Sunday, September 30, 2007

Skillet - "Comatose"

I recentlly purchased Skillet's new album, Comatose, and I must say I am very pleased. I first heard Skillet off of a mix CD of different Christian artists (X: 17 Christian Rock Hits! 2007) and after falling in love with "Rebirthing" I decided to buy the group's newest CD when I saw it at the mall.
There isn't a song on the album that I don't like. Although there are some that I like more than others, as a whole, the CD is definantly worth every penny - the mix of great vocals and intense instrumentals in one you don't find very often.
Here's a list of the songs, and why I love them.

Skillet - Comatose

1. Rebirthing - the song that first got me hooked on Skillet. I think the female vocals in the chorus (breathe for the first time now / i have come alive somehow) add an extra element to this rock song.
2. The Last Night - one of my absolute favorites. The deep lyrics are matched with a beautiful keyboard part. Again, the female vocals - this time a solo - add a softer, almost painful element to a beautiful song.
3. Yours To Hold - absolutelly beautiful. Although written with a Christian message and a male point of view, any broken-hearted teenage girl can relate to these lyrics, myself included. The acoustic in this song is a good break from the screaming guitars in the previous tracks.
4. Better Than Drugs - not my favorite. Although the message is good, something about comparing the Lord and drugs just didn't appeal to me. Other than that, a good rock song with exceptional vocals, as always.
5. Comatose - the title track does not dissapoint. Again, a keyboard accompaniment gives an edge to the electric guitars, and the lyrics are to die for. Wonderful song in all.
6. The Older I Get - another one that is lower on my list of favorites. Softer than this album's other tracks, I think it lacks some of the essence of Skillet's other songs. I do enjoy the vocals and lyrics, though.
7. Those Nights - a song anyone used to denying life's hardships is sure to relate to. The lyrics of this song celebrate the memory of two friends who bonded to fight their battles together. A catchy beat ties this song together.
8. Falling Into Black - slightly softer, but still similar in essence to the album's other rock tracks, the lyrics to this song are a cry for help from life's darkness. A great song, but not top on my list of favorites.
9. Say Goodbye - the slowest song on the track, this song speaks of a relationship on the brink of disaster, and one person who doesn't want to let go. The lyrics reminisce on times long gone, while the vocals and instrumentals grow both in volume and intensity as the song goes on. Definantly one of my favorites.
10. Whispers In The Dark - probably one of the most hard-core rock tracks on the album, the lyrics of this song declare that we are never alone, and reminds us of the Lord's everlasting love. I love the electric guitar solo after the second verse.
11. Looking For Angels - Skillet wraps up their album with a truly unique song, in which the verses are simply spoken in an almost rap fashion, and the chorus evolves into an more melodic feel with an up-beat rock temp. The lyrics describe the modern world, and how we can all do our part to ease the pain and suffering that is ever present.

Interested in this new album? Here are some things that may interest you...

The lyrics to all the songs on the "Comatose" album, as well as Skillet's other albums, can be found here.

And here is the music video for "Looking For Angels", curtosy of YouTube.

Feel free to comment if you have your own opinion on Skillet, any of their songs, or anything else. Thank you!


What's This All About?

Hey, everyone, it's cowgirl4christ. I'm here to explain what this new blog,, is all about.
I am a huge music fan. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have music in my life. I usually find myself drawn in by lyrics, but, being the band geek that I am, I am able to appreciate a good melody or harmony. And when you get an artist or band who can really
I dedication to my obsession with everything musical, I've created At first, I wanted it to be a collection of my favorite songs, lyrics & artists, but then I thought, "Why should it just be my opinion?" That was when I invited my two best friends, lil'emo and Reno, to contribute their own ideas & opinions to this blog as well. Right now the invitation is still pending, but I hope they both accept and voice their musical opinions here.
But what is this blog all about?
Basically, it's a chance for me and my friends to let the world know what we think about music. If we hear a new song on the radio that we just can't get enough of, we can talk about it here; we could post the lyrics or a link to a music video, and talk about what it is we like about the song. Or, if there's a group out there we just can't stand, we can write about it here as well; there's sure to be interesting controversy. If we were feeling creative one day, we could even post lyrics for a song we wrote ourselves for the world wide web to read. There really is no limit to what we could write here, as long as, in the end, it all ties back to music.
I don't know how this will turn out; it may be a thriving success, or it may just end up being a collection or random thoughts. I understand that my friends - and even myself, at times - have better things to do than post to a blog. Even so, I hope that, if nothing else, boredom may influence me & my friends to post something.
So, this is the first post. What's next? I guess we'll find out soon enough.
